The West Point Fire Department will respond to all requests for help in a safe and efficient manner in order to protect the lives and property of our citizens and visitors.
We will strive to become the finest fire service organization possible by utilizing and developing our members to their fullest potential, maximizing available resources, and being responsive to the growth of our community and changing needs of our customers.
HONESTY-We acknowledge that truth and trust are the foundation of relationship building and delivery, and that honesty begins with the individual.
LOYALTY-We believe each member shall be loyal to, and speak positive of fellow Firefighters, The Department, The City, and our customers.
INTEGRITY-We will work hard every day to maintain the highest professional standards and to earn public trust through our actions.
PROFESSIONALISM-We will be commitment to quality, possessing a positive attitude and having pride in our work. Our conduct, both on and off duty, is a reflection of our Professional commitment.
TEAMWORK-We will encourage teamwork; none of us is an effective alone as we are with the cooperative help of others. We encourage all shifts and division to work together as equal partners.
SERVICE ORIENTATION-We encourage a commitment to Service. Our performance must ultimately be judges by the satisfaction of those we serve. We recognize a service responsibility to other divisions within our department, to other City departments, and to every element of our business and neighborhood community.
TOLERANCE-We acknowledge, encourage and respect the ethnic and cultural diversity in our Department and community. We strive for sensitivity and an understanding of this diversity.